The Bookworm Club

The Bookworm Club and the Harry Potter Bookworm are voluntary fund-raising blogs.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Congratulations and thanks to all Bookworms!

Dear Bookworms,
We are proud to announce our first fund-raising success with the Bookworm Club, thanks to your support by ordering from Amazon through the blog!
Using funds which you have helped to raise, we have just ordered the following books for the library. The titles were recommended by Ms Baker and her student helpers as books which you might enjoy. So here goes:

Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden (2 copies)
Around the World in Eighty Days, Journey to the Center of the Earth, 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, all by Jules Verne, in English and German,
The Ultimate Guide to the Mysteries of Harry Potter, and The Plot Thickens, Harry Potter Investigated by Fans for Fans (both by Galadriel Waters)
and, by popular request, several volumes by Peter Ustinov: Gott und die Staatlichen Eisenbahnen, Über das Leben und andere Kleinigkeiten, Ich und Ich, Peter Ustinovs geflügelte Worte.

Once again many thanks for your support! As promised, funds which you have helped to raise will also be used to help carers of the disabled to have a well-earned break, possibly here on Lake Constance: we are in negotiation with the CEO of the Wilf Ward Family Trust to find the best arrangements. Watch this space!
Best regards and happy reading
Clare Krojzl